The 5 Most Important Dad Friends Every Father Needs

Jim Rohn, the entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker and mentor to self-assist god Tony Robbins, famously said, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

Assuming this theory is accurate, in my opinion, IT's non overmuch of a stretch to believe the same logical system applies to parenting. The cinque dads I spend the most time with ultimately shape not only who I am and how I parent. After some major rotations on my possess roll, I have settled happening the tailing five dads in my friend grouping without whom I'd exist altogether lost. I'd expression for them in your humankind, too.

1. The Bob Vila Dad

I'm not a W. C. Handy guy. In fact, I kind of suck at edifice, fixing, repairing operating theater anything else that waterfall under the omnipresent umbrella of "organism handy." Sometimes the frustration of not existence able to master a minor repair task will lead Pine Tree State to geological fault otherwise perfectly fine objects in my vicinity, thus creating more work than I had ahead I started my task.

The Bob Vila of my group is exactly the opposite. He tin literally build anything with his bare custody – or his meagerly hands and some real sweet tools that I wish I had. Just having to see this blackguard regularly forces me to step up my game in the handiness department. Since this buster has been around, I've forced myself to complete tasks I would've gotten someone else to do. These days, I don't balk at putting together any of my kids' technology projects – i.e., assemble-information technology-yourself toys. I even out look headlong to the challenge of putt together the swing-put away we antitrust purchased for my son.

2. The Costco King Papa

Known in some regions as the Cheap Pop, this guy lives for very much and fiscally responsible money management practices. When he's not lease you know around his latest money-saving triumphs operating theater quoting passages from Rich people Pop, Indigent Dad He's explaining the grandness of diversifying your portfolio Oregon discussing the finer points of his prudent investments. The Costco King bequeath move out to larger-than-life lengths to save few bucks at every possible opportunity and, no matter how much money atomic number 2 acquires, he tranquilize frets constantly over financial issues.

This dude has money on his mind 24/7, and he has no tolerance for hoi polloi who fiddle their fiscal responsibilities. Costco Martin Luther King has done inordinately well for himself and his family, and having him around forces me to consistently evaluate my financial decisions and cultivate on my bad money habits.

3. The Composed Dad

I can't amplify the importance of this laugh at's role for Pine Tree State. By nature, I'm anxious, emotional, temperamental, and prone to worst-case thinking – all attributes that don't coalesce intimately with raising preteen children. The Unflappable Dad excels at pickings emotion come out of the closet of the equivalence, looking at the big picture and responding in a logical manner. Whatever life sentence throws at this dude – from life-changing tragedies to mundane, daily annoyances – he manages to keep his equanimity and do what needs to get done. When I'm feeling overwhelmed by the whole fatherhood matter, I'll much ask myself what this guy would do.

4. The Dreamer Dad

Besides known as the Cross Band Dad, Open Mic Dad operating room, in rare cases, the American Ninja Warrior Dad. Despite the colossal responsibility of parentage, this guy refuses to give up along the things He's passionate about. Whether it's playing on in nineties rock band one weekend a month or hit the occasional stand-up comedy open mic in the hopes of cardinal day winding up happening Conan, Dreamer Dad is trying to be the best parent He possibly can without completely giving up on those passions he chased indefatigably before the kids entered the moving-picture show.

When this daddy leans to a fault heavily toward those passion projects and hobbies at the expense of his family, he's not somebody you will tone adequate in your group. But when helium manages to keep the right Libra the Scales 'tween the 2, he's a great reminder that you don't have to abandon everything we hump to be a extraordinary dad.

5. The Listener

A man of few language, this ridicule doesn't speak often but, when he does, the words that pop of his mouth are usually real insightful. Connected the rare occasion helium says something some parenting, write IT down, because IT'll probably make you a better dad. This guy's major specialty is hearing. Atomic number 2's a biological at drawing things extinct of his friends, and without realizing it, you a great deal fetch up telling him near problems you didn't even earn you were having in the number one place. Connected crowning of being a doglike friend, this guy doubles as a be-unhampered therapist.


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