Arma 3 How to Upload Workshop Missions to a Server


  • 1 Publishing user content (mods and campaigns)
  • two User interface
    • 2.i Published items list
    • 2.2 Item Metadata
    • two.3 Description
    • ii.4 Tags
    • 2.5 Change notes
    • 2.6 Image
    • two.7 SteamWorks licence
    • ii.eight Publish
    • two.9 Options
      • 2.9.1 Other buttons
  • iii Deadening technical stuff
  • 4 Logs
  • 5 Notes


Arma 3 logo black.png 1.24

The purpose of this tools is to publish and manage items in the Steam Workshop. It allows you to upload your mods and change the information that is displayed on their Steam Workshop page. Published mods (and other items) can exist then subscribed by other players and loaded to the game by Arma 3 Launcher.

The official Publisher was launched July xiv, 2014 with the Bootcamp update one.24.

Publishing user content (mods and campaigns)

To publish the content to Steam Workshop, y'all have to take the mod prepared and tested. Start with clicking a push button "SELECT MOD Folder" and selecting the binder that contains your mod.

Then y'all should proper noun select the name for it (it should exist unique and descriptive for users to identify information technology easily) and select information technology is type:

  • Mod: a game modification, an addon or a new terrain;
  • Campaign: a series of connected missions;
  • Scenario: simple mission are published directly from Eden Editor and can't be published past Publisher.

Based on the selected item blazon, you can choose from the multiple tags that are used on Workshop to filter the items. We recommend to use the tags that the best describes your item. Using misleading tags or all tags will result in Workshop moderators changing them or removal of the entire item from Steam Workshop.

If you're updating the existing item, you should fill up the change notes to allow your users know what'due south new.

Before the mods is published or updated on Workshop, the structure check is done to ensure that the mod can be loaded past the game.
Following requirements must exist met in club to publish the mod:

  • addons folder needs to exist straight in the root (superlative level) to exist loaded in the game;
  • addons folder has to incorporate the PBO files;
  • all signatures need to be in the aforementioned binder equally their respective PBOs.

Publishing a mod with PBO files outside of addons folder (such every bit an presence of Optional folder) will produce a alert, considering swapping of files in mods acquired through Steam customer is not recommended. [notation 1]

User interface


Published items list

Displays your new and published items.

  • Unpublished item: Select this item when you desire to publish a new item in the Workshop.
  • Listing of published items: lists all your existing items. Publishing with a selected item on this list volition overwrite all information and meta-data on Steam with your local re-create. Scenarios published from the game's editor are also listed.
  • Search field: allows full-text search in the listing
  • Web: opens the workshop page of the selected published item. Not available for the unpublished item.
  • Delete: removes the detail from the workshop. Use carefully, does not have disengage.

Item Metadata

  • Mod content: Elevate and drop a file or a folder onto the box. Remove added items by clicking X.
    • Included folders automatically include any files or sub-folders
    • Items tin can contain multiple files and folders
    • Detail size is not limited
    • Buttons:
      • Add together file, Add folder: opens windows dialog to select files or folder
      • Articulate all - removes all included files and folders from the mod content box
    • Beliefs
      • A file or a binder can be included but once (based on its path)
      • Files of the same name but dissimilar size can be included even in the aforementioned directory, they will exist enumerated (myMod.pbo; myMod.pbo > myMod.pbo; myMod1.pbo)
      • Tooltip shows the full path and size
      • Including but one folder volition not promote it as root, the input field is the root and volition exist published as @proper name
    • Signatures
      • signatures are required for multiplayer with mods and can exist generated in Addon architect [Addon Builder]
      • with a multiple files philosophy, signatures can now exist included in the workshop items
      • they should to be in the aforementioned binder every bit the respective PBO
      • Publisher options now allows auto-including signatures
  • Author: Reads the author specified in the PBO or from Steam
  • Proper noun: Name of the Workshop item.
  • Size: Size of the item on Steam or a size of the file to be uploaded (yellow color).
    • Displays file and folder count for an particular to exist published.
  • Published: For existing items only, the original published date.
  • Last Update: For existing items only, the last update time.
  • Visibility: There are iii options to choose from:
    • Public - visible to anyone, anyone tin can subscribe to your item
    • Friends - visible just to your Steam friends
    • Private - (Default), visible only to you


Text field for your description of the published item. Limit: 8000 bytes (~ 8000 characters]

NOTE: If your mod requires other content to run properly (dependency), information technology is a good do to listing all the required content here including a links how to get it and a proper load guild, if necessary.
In addition, required items nowadays in the workshop tin be defined from the page of your item (Add together/Remove Required Items).


Steam tags used for categorizing content. Good tags improve content discovery.

Note: It's meliorate to tag your content sparsely (with tags from the same category) and utilise your tag to comprehend the nigh prominent qualities or elements. More than tags = more confusion for the subscribers.

By Steam category: Data Type - specifies data type.

  • Modern - for single or multiple PBOs. Needs to be loaded on the game get-go. Content with tag Modernistic is displayed in Arma iii Launcher.
  • Server - special server type addon.
NOTE: Mod and Scenario tags are mutually exclusive.

Mod Blazon - specifies mod blazon based on it is content

  • Blitheness - modifies animations in game
  • Boat - modifies boats in game
  • Entrada - several (connected) missions
  • Character - modifies characters in game
  • Equipment - modifies equipment in game
  • Helicopter - modifies helicopters in game
  • Mechanics - modifies game mechanics, user interface or other similar elements in game (scripts)
  • Plane - modifies planes in game
  • Sound - modifies sounds or music in game
  • Structure - modifies structures (buildings, props) in game
  • Terrain - modifies terrains in game
  • Tracked - modifies tracked vehicles in game
  • Weapon - modifies weapons in game
  • Wheeled - modifies wheeled vehicles in games


  • KartsDLC - modern recommends owning Karts DLC
  • HelicopterDLC - mod recommends owning Helicopter DLC
  • MarksmenDLC - modernistic recommends owning Marksmen DLC


  • Dependency - mod requires other user mods
  • Collection - modernistic created as a part of larger, merely non inter-dependent, collection or theme

Review These tags are added automatically by Publisher when respective conditions are met. They cannot be removed by the user. Their purpose is to make administering workshop easier.

  • Tag Review - added when the detail has over 7 tags. The aim here is to reduce the number of tags per item to improve discoverability.
  • Content Review - added when the particular contains a file type that could contain malicious content. Included extensions are .exe, .dll, .cmd, .com, .bat, .py, .ps, .jar, .lib, .src.

Change notes

Text field, express to 8000 bytes (~ 8000 characters). Merely relevant when updating an existing particular with a PBO.

Note: When updating an item, provide information what changed so that users experience informed.


Previews an included epitome to exist visible on Steam Workshop.

  • Predefined: provides a selection of existing images roofing principal tags.
  • Browse: opens file open dialog. Immune file types are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp. Image is downscaled to 0,95 MB to meet the Steam limit.

SteamWorks licence

Checkbox - Earlier publishing, each author must explicitly agree with SteamWorks license. The whole text of the license is bachelor online. When understanding was non confirmed, Publisher provides an error dialog on Publish attempt.


Click this button to publish or update your detail with the provided files and/or information.

Note: Publishing handles all the information to the Steam Client and displays the progress window. You can runway the progress bar, just be aware that in that location are several steps like compressing and extracting that are handled past the Steam back-end and non communicated over the API - this ways the publishing can take longer even on a solid connexion.



  • Temp binder path: define a temporary folder where mods with multiple files are copied and prepared earlier their publishing. Provide an absolute path or use [...] to open the Open up folder dialog. Contents of the folder is deleted afterward a successful publishing.
    • Apply default: default temporary binder is user documments dir\AppData\Local\Temp due east.g. c:\Users\cooper\AppData\Local\Temp\
    • When adding files, a new binder is created in Temp with the Name of the modern (example: ...\Temp\MyFirstMod ). When such folder already exists, the new folder cannot be created and publishing fails with error. Please, remove such folder manually earlier retrying.
NOTE: copying large or multiple files between drives can take longer
  • Automobile-include signatures
    • When a PBO is existence added to the modernistic content, Publisher searches the source folder for a relevant signature (<pbofilename>.<cord>.bisign) and adds it to the mod content. If more than then 1 signature files match the condition, all of them are included.
    • When a PBO is being removed from the mod content, Publisher automatically removes the matching signature, if present.
    • Default: on
  • Open workshop page after publishing
    • When publishing is successful, Publisher automatically opens the published detail'due south workshop folio. Usable for visual checks and subscribes.
    • Default: on
  • Use Steam Client instead of web browser
    • When opening workshop pages using the Web button or automatically afterwards publishing, opens the webpage in Steam Customer instead of the default spider web browser
    • Default: on (Steam Customer)

Other buttons

  • Bohemia Interactive - opens company page in external web browser
  • Workshop - open Arma 3 workshop page in external browser
  • Support - open Bohemia Interactive support page in external browser
  • Feedback - opens feedback tracker, Arma iii's community feedback and issue tracking service in external spider web browser

Boring technical stuff

To be processed later

  • Publishing procedure - Exist enlightened that publishing larger mods can take upwardly a while. Hither is what has to happen:
    • Publisher sends the path to all files and folders in the temp [link] folder to Steam Customer
    • Steam Client archives the files locally into one annal
    • Steam Client uploads to SteamWorks database
    • Workshop stores the data and sends Publishing successful callback
    • Publisher receives the callback and lists the file as published


Publisher logs can be found in steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Logs
When something goes wrong (in several attempts, because Steam can have a bad moment sometimes :) ), please, create an issue on the tracker in Tools category and include these logs.


  1. Steam is managing the downloaded files and keeps them synchronized with data uploaded to Workshop. If the users move the files, Steam will revert these changes with side by side update making the behavior of the mod unpredictable. Also historically this kind of manipulation has cleaved the Steam and forced re-download of the entire mod.


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